Our Mission

Foothills Church exists to glorify God and to make disciples, by unconditionally accepting people where they are, while encouraging a transforming life in Christ.  

Core Values

Worship. The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. God desires an intimate relationship with each of us and created us to treasure Him above all else. Jesus, the Son of God, died and rose to remove our sinful, stoney heart and give us a heart that cherishes God. The Spirit of God works in us daily to make treasuring God a growing reality. We gather on Sundays to express our worship of God with our community in a focused way, but worship is meant to happen with every beat of our hearts.

Scripture. God has communicated his purpose for this world and His will for our lives through His Word, the Bible. In order to rightly understand the world and God’s will for our lives we must give attention to and root our lives in the Word of God. As Christ’s church, we are to be centered on the teaching and preaching of God’s Word in order to grow in godliness. The Spirit uses Scripture to instruct us, convict us, strengthen us, transform us, and move us as a community in a common direction.

Love. Jesus taught us that love sums up and fulfills our whole duty toward God and others. It is love that covers a multitude of sins, and love is the primary mark of the genuine believer. If we do not love, we do not know God. As a body of believers, we prioritize love in our relationships with each other. When we fail to love the way we should we quickly confess this and seek forgiveness from the One who loved us and gave himself up for us. We love because he first loved us.

Community. So much of what Christ calls us to do must be done in community. We are called to love, honor, instruct, serve, help, forgive, admonish, encourage, confess to, and pray for one another. This requires gathering together to create the context for these one anothers. With this in mind, we have regular gathering times set throughout the week, and we encourage smaller gatherings to occur more organically. Scripture says that it is good and pleasant when believers dwell together in unity, so we joyfully gather with each other and with the Savior.

Multiplication. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Jesus set the central defining mission of every believer to advance the Kingdom of God against the kingdom of darkness. This is done when individual hearts are transformed from death to life through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a community of faith we will work individually and collectively to be Christ’s witnesses in our community, nation, and throughout the world, to multiply disciples for His glory.